Mexican cuisine is primarily a fusion of indigenous American cooking with European, especially Spanish, elements added after the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire. The basic staples remain native foods such as corn, beans and chili peppers, but the Europeans introduced a large number of other foods, the most important of which were meat from domesticated animals (beef, pork, chicken, goat and sheep), dairy products (especially cheese) and various herbs and lots of spices. Wilmington has a great variety of authentic Mexican Restaurants, as well as some that lean more to Tex Mex.
From the friendly staff to the elegant presentation, a meal at Tequila transports you to fine cuisine of Mexicana, with a fully stocked Cantina and family-friendly dining, Tequila has lots to love for all.
Why not feel like you’re in Mexico while on vacation in Carolina Beach? Everybody loves Mexican food—which is why so many beach visitors make a family night of it at El Cazador Mexican Restaurant.