Please note that we’ve compiled the following parking information for people who live in Wilmington and for those who are visiting the area. As you can imagine, parking guidelines are subject to change and we cannot be held responsible the accuracy of the details listed below. Please contact the city’s parking manager for the most up-to-date information. If you find that anything needs to be updated, please email us at email {at} and we’ll work on getting it corrected.
Meters & Residential Parking
Downtown Wilmington is one of the most fun-filled and vibrant places in all the Carolinas, but like most downtown areas, parking can be an issue. Here is some helpful information to familiarize you with the area’s parking rules, rates, and locations to make your downtown adventure a little easier.
Parking Meters
Meters are required for short-term parking throughout the downtown Wilmington area. There are over 760 metered spaces in the region, each of which costs $1.00 per hour and is strictly enforced Monday – Saturday from 9 am to 6:30 pm. However, meters are free on Sundays, as well as on several City Observed Holidays, such as New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and many other holidays which can be found on the City of Wilmington’s website at
Decks & Lots
If you want to avoid competing for meters, there are several parking decks located between Chestnut and Princess streets, as well as between Market and 2nd Streets. There are lots of options for deck parking depending on your particular needs, but the daily rates are $1 per hour for a maximum of eight hours, although the first 60 minutes are free. If you’re parking in a deck after 9 pm on Thursday – Saturday, there is a $5 flat rate upon arrival. Parking fees are collected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and a lost ticket fee is $8.
Parking for Downtown Residents
If you happen to live in the downtown area or in the streets adjacent to metered areas, you are eligible to participate in the Residential Parking Permit Program. All you need is a valid proof of residency, vehicle registration and driver’s license, and no outstanding traffic tickets. Permits cost $25 for the first three permits and $50 for each permit issued thereafter. There is no shortage of rates and options for downtown residents, which can be found on the City of Wilmington website.
If you want to skip the meters and paid parking altogether, just head up to 5th, 6th,7th or 8th Streets and you should be able to find spots without meters and that do not require a special permit (be sure to look for signs). You’ll only have to walk a quarter to a half mile to be down on Front Street.
Other Local Resources:
Wilmington NC Trash and Recycling
Places to Eat in Wilmington, NC
Attractions in Wilmington, NC
Wilmington NC Libraries
Wilmington NC School Lunches
Wilmington Cross City Trail
Places to Walk in Wilmington
Wilmington NC Gardens